Dan Kee presented at our April meeting. He showed slides of a selection of his pictures over the years, including a trip down memory lane for Huntington Beach Art League members. Photos were presented in the context of his approach to picture creation through his different cameras with insights of interest to artists who make pictures through painting, drawing, collage, etc. Technical issues with the overhead projector limited image quality and full screen display. Dan’s complete slide-deck presented below. Questions and comments can be directed to Dan at dwkee1@yahoo.com.
Twin Lens Reflex Film Camera Photos (1955 -1970)
Kodak Durflex photos of Elementary and Jr. High School friends.
Golden Gate Park walk with my parents and President Johnson’s motorcade down Market Street (1964), respectively.
Fire between San Francisco’s Cliff House and Sutro Baths (1963).
Memorial Day 1969—Walked the parade route with my trusty Yashica-Mat 124 camera and two rolls of film. Thrilled to have my photos discovered and two published in Dalzell’s The Battle for People’s Park, Berkeley 1969 (2019).
Huntington Beach Art League Photography (2013)
Jackie Dvorman with watercolor artists Tom Fong and Jim Salchak (2013).
The Dueling Artist—First of many artist demonstrations photographed at Huntington Beach Art League meetings.
Moving to the new Senior Center (2017).
Artist demonstrators at our monthly meetings.
Inspiration, Insights and Stories
Shot on iPhone
Fishman’s Wharf San Francisco.
I reached-in as close as possible for the photo.
Palos Verdes Peninsula and Long Beach in the background.
Bryce Canyon, Utah.
Astoria–Megler Bridge spanning the Columbia River, photo shot from the Cannery Pier Hotel, Astoria Oregon.
For best results place your phone camera lens as close to your window as possible.
Interchangeable Lens Camera Photos
Red Fox, Unalaska located on Amaknak Island.
A climb down an adjacent cliff to capture the Puffins; Saint Paul Island, largest of the Pribilof Islands, Alaska.
Sand Hill Cranes early morning fly out at Bosque del Apache, New Mexico.
King Birds (front yard) and Wilson’s Warbler (back yard).
Bald Eagle Incoming from the mountains to an ocean inlet, Dutch Harbor, Amaknak Island in Unalaska.
Pelagic outing with the American Birding Association off coast of Half Moon Bay, California.
Em with her horse Morgan at the Los Angeles Equestrian Center.
The Lodge at Torrey Pines La Jolla, California.
Another Day —Grand Prize Amateur Photography award, Aging as Art Show (2016), Bowers Museum, Santa Ana, California.
A street photography walk at the Seal Beach Pier.
Met a surfer on the beach and after a short conversation got a great photo.
The magnificent Pedersen Glacier would be occluded if Christina or the glacier were “centered” in the photo. Taking the photo as she raises her arm avoids a static image.
Movement of artwork viewers in the back ground captured with a slow camera shutter speed.
A canvass wrapped print of the foregoing picture captures a “3D” like effectt.
Movement and shadows enhanced with a black and white print. Both the canvas (Annual Sunset Beach Art Festival) and the black and white (HBAL West-End Gallery Show) awarded blue ribbons.
Waiting for the 2017 solar eclipse, Willamette Mission State Park Salem, Oregon.
The diamond ring effect (first photo) marks the oncoming totality…
Lunar Eclipse 2018—photos taken from the Seal Beach Pier.
Earth’s Bounty
End Program